
这个月, the Center for Women’s Studies and the 米切尔-韦斯特社会包容中心 want to highlight some of the women throughout 历史 that have paved the way for workplace safety, 平等, and 股本 through their work and persistence in breaking boundaries.  

有很长的一段, 女性在职场的复杂历史, 但在过去的100多年里, women have been seen at the forefront of activism and 宣传 for worker’s rights, 工作场所的平等, 以及劳动力的多样性和包容性. From only being allowed to work in the home and taking care of children to working in factories full of hazards with locked doors, women have seen a lot in relation to the workplace and have been advocating for better conditions and pay for hundreds of years.

在这么短的时间内, we have gone from women being homemakers exclusively, to seeing the first woman become the Vice President of the United States, and are steadily on the way to someday seeing the first woman become President. Let these women and their stories motivate you in your own work and inspire you to become an advocate like they have been before you.

graphic image with text saying life after college






Addie Wyatt, born March 8, 1924, in Brookhaven, Mississippi, was a leader in the U.S. 劳工运动和民权活动家. She is the first African-American woman elected as an international vice president of a major labor union, 联合切肉工人联盟. Her work helped to improve the working conditions and pay rate for meat cutters across the U.S. In 1975, 还有芭芭拉·乔丹, she was the first African-American woman named as Time magazine’s Person of the Year.


Hattie Canty, born June 10, 1933, in a rural town named St. 史蒂芬斯, 阿拉巴马州, 直到今天, considered one of the greatest strike leaders in United States 历史. She was working in the culinary industry in Las Vega, 内华达, and when the workers of the industry decided it was time to protest against the unfair labor conditions within the industry, Canty took up the leading position and led the longest labor strike in U.S. 历史,持续了六年半.


可能陈, 1948年出生于波士顿, 麻萨诸塞州, is a labor organizer and advocate for immigrant workers. She was an integral part of the 1982 garment workers strike 在纽约市, and a leader of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union. Chen helped to advocate for better pay and working conditions for women and immigrants in the garment industry 在纽约市 and worldwide.


卢英德, 10月28日出生, 1955, 在马德拉斯, 印度, is an 印度n-American business executive who was the chairman and CEO of PepsiCO from 2006-2018. She has consistently been ranked by Forbes among the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women, 最近一次是在2017年排名第11位. She was the first 印度n-American woman to become the CEO of PepsiCO. 卢英德目前是亚马逊董事会成员, 以及国际板球理事会, 这是她年轻时就有的激情.


乌尔苏拉•伯恩斯, 9月20日出生, 1958, 在纽约市, is a businesswoman most known for being the first Black woman CEO of a Fortune 500 company, 2009年至2016年担任Xerox首席执行官. Forbes rated her as the 22nd most powerful woman in the world in 2017. She was also a leader of the STEM program of the President’s Export Council from 2015-2016.


卡玛拉哈里斯, 10月20日出生, 1964, 在奥克兰, 加州, 是美国的政治家和律师, who is currently serving as the 49th Vice President of the United States. She is the first female vice president, and highest ranking female official in U.S. 历史. Harris is also the first African-American and first Asian-American vice president. She uses her position to advocate for healthcare reform, legalization and decriminalization of cannabis on a federal level, 梦想法案, 禁止攻击性武器, 累进税制改革.


左伊和风, 8月29日出生, 1988, 在比林斯, 蒙大拿, is an American politician serving as a representative of Missoula in the 100th district in the 蒙大拿 House of Representatives. She has also spent some time working as a university administrator, 努力带来多样性, 股本, and inclusion to the University of 蒙大拿 campus. She is the first openly transponder person to be elected to the state legislature in 蒙大拿, 她在哪里倡导LGBTQ+的权利, especially focusing on gender-affirming medical and surgical care for transponder people in her state. Despite backlash this year from other representatives who have taken measures to silence her during debates and discussions of bills, she continues to fight back against anti-LGBTQ+ bills.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, (aka AOC), was born October 13, 1989, 在纽约市. 她是一位美国政治家和活动家, currently serving as the representative for New York’s 14th congressional district. Taking office at age 29, she became the youngest woman to ever serve in Congress. She uses her position to advocate for workplace democracy through support of unions, 全民医保, 免学费的公立大学, 联邦就业保障, 绿色新政, 废除ICE.

这些女性, 还有更多, have helped to pave the way for future generations through dedication to their fields, 宣传, 以及工作场所的多样性. Many of these women also came from disadvantaged backgrounds, and their lived experiences shape their 宣传 for better workplace conditions.